We Believein a Better World.

In addition to irritants and allergies, people living with autism experience a spectrum of sensitivities, affecting their ability to connect, interact, and understand other people. Think hair products can irritate you? Imagine how irritating they can be for someone with sensory sensitivities.

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Sensitivity is a good thing, not a disadvantage.

The things that make us sensitive are the things that make us unique. And what makes us unique makes us beautiful.

What we believe in most is working towards a world that irritates no-one: in living happier and healthier lives by providing people things that nourish—and minimizing the things that hurt.


That’s why we donate a portion of our proceeds to the Autism Society

The Autism Society is a charity improving the lives of those affected by autism since 1965. The Autism Society provides education and support, raises awareness, and advocates for public policy for individuals and families struggling with autism.

Want to learn more about the Autism Society?

Visit their website